McGill 2-0                  
  Toronto 1-1   Hec Crighton              
  Queen’s 0-2   Alice Roy              

A three-team tourney held at McGill. “Since no entrance charge may be made for games in the magnificent Montreal High School Gym, where the men play, and as gate-receipts are essential to finance the women’s meets, the games were played on a floor especially prepared in the Convocation Hall of the R.V.C. As this was only 50 feet long, it was a great handicap to all the teams, and especially to Varsity whose scientific floor-work was nullified and whose terrific speed on the small floor caused bunching and consequent penalties.”

       In the opener, Toronto defeated Queen’s 35-18 as Pat Wood scored 25. Violet Anglin led Queen’s with 8. “The Toronto girls were right on their toes and gave a brilliant display of speedy and systematic basketball. The game was no walk-over as Queen’s fought all the way, particularly at the start of the second half, but the Varsity attack could not be stemmed and the game ended 35-18 in their favor. The way in which Phyllis Griffiths, the Varsity captain, held Queen’s star forward, the brilliant shooting of Pat Wood, and the floor-work of the rest of the team, featured the game.” …………………………………………………… McGill defeated Queen’s 36-29 after leading 16-10 at the half. …………………………………………………… On the final night, McGill led Varsity 11-4 at the half, “due to poor shooting on Varsity’s part and heavy defence work on McGill’s. The early parts of the game were marred by constant stoppages due to a very strict interpretation of the ‘Two-on-one rule’ but the last period was a whirlwind. Varsity gradually came up and McGill were hard put to it to hold their own. Edith Buchanan went on for Varsity four minutes before the end, and scored three baskets. Another half-minute of play might have turned the tide, but the whistle blew with the score 23-22, making McGill intercollegiate champs for the second time since the series began. McGill undoubtedly have a splendid team, and in their captain, Miss Roba Dunton, have a field-general of rare qualities.”

       The bronze medalist Queen’s Golden Gaels: Violet Anglin; Margaret Norris; Dorothea Graves; Helen Millar; Hester Shore; Kay Thompson; Beatrix Rose; Margaret Mason; Uriel Kelso; coach Alice Roy

       The silver medalist Toronto Varsity Blues: Jean Wood; Willene Wallace; Evelyn Willmott; Marion Forward; Phyllis Griffiths; Mildred Wilkins; Edith Buchanan; Emma Weir; Mary Addison; coach Hector Crighton

       The champion McGill Martlets: Roba Dunton; Minnie Razner; N McMartin; Jean Snyder; G. Cameron; Eleanor Brooks; P. Perry; Joan Eve; J. Davidson