The conference was created in 1972-73 when Canada West “agreed to be subdivided because of the large geographic area it covered.” Brandon, Lakehead, Manitoba, Regina and Winnipeg formed a separate conference.

At the organizational meeting, members also agreed to set the maximum number of non-Canadians to be allowed to play at 6 in 72-73; 5 in 73-74, 4 in 74-75 and 3 as of 75-76. Lakehead had been playing NAIA ball.

        After the 2001 campaign, the conference was dissolved and members re-joined Canada West, playing as the Great Plains division.

72-73 5 Manitoba (14-2) ————————————— Marianne Alexander
73-74 5 Winnipeg (13-3) ————————————— Vic Pruden
74-75 4 Manitoba (10-2) Winnipeg d’d Manitoba 54-56; 66-46; 62-59 Vic Pruden
75-76 4 Winnipeg (9-3) Winnipeg d’d Manitoba 60-53; 51-70; 71-53 Vic Pruden
76-77 5 Winnipeg (14-2) Winnipeg d’d Regina 69-47; 78-46 Vic Pruden
77-78 5 Winnipeg (16-0) Winnipeg d’d Regina 78-50; 78-43 Vic Pruden
78-79 5 Winnipeg (16-0) Winnipeg d’d Regina 55-29; 59-58 Tom Kendall
79-80 5 Winnipeg (16-0) Winnipeg d’d Lakehead 78-63; 64-41 Tom Kendall
80-81 5 Winnipeg (15-1) Winnipeg d’d Brandon 64-61; 51-54; 61-59 Tom Kendall
81-82 5 Winnipeg (14-2) Winnipeg d’d Manitoba 78-72; 55-41 Tom Kendall
82-83 5 Winnipeg (12-4) Winnipeg d’d Brandon 55-54; 71-54 Tom Kendall
83-84 5 Winnipeg (14-2) Winnipeg d’d Brandon 73-55; 83-84; 78-62 Tom Kendall
84-85 5 Manitoba (12-4) Lakehead 77 Manitoba 60 Stu Julius
85-86 5 Lakehead/Winnipeg (11-5) Lakehead d’d Winnipeg 66-65; 82-68 Stu Julius
86-87 5 Manitoba (14-2) Manitoba d’d Winnipeg 74-61; 55-59; 80-67 Coleen Dufresne
87-88 5 Manitoba (15-1) Manitoba d’d Regina 58-68; 74-53; 80-71 Coleen Dufresne
88-89 4 Winnipeg (11-1) Regina d’d Winnipeg 69-64; 77-64 Sheila Beckie
89-90 4 Regina (11-1) Regina d’d Winnipeg 98-90; 78-74 Debbie Patterson
90-91 4 Regina (16-2) Regina d’d Winnipeg 95-91; 93-74 Debbie Patterson
91-92 4 Winnipeg (17-1) Winnipeg d’d Manitoba 59-44; 69-51 Tom Kendall
92-93 4 Winnipeg (12-0) Winnipeg d’d Manitoba 101-75; 97-80 Tom Kendall
93-94 4 Winnipeg (18-0) Winnipeg d’d Manitoba 84-50; 74-62 Tom Kendall
94-95 4 Winnipeg (11-1) Winnipeg d’d Manitoba 85-65; 82-67 Tom Kendall
95-96 4 Manitoba (13-2) Manitoba d’d Winnipeg 66-77; 73-58; 74-70 Coleen Dufresne
96-97 4 Regina (12-3) Manitoba d’d Regina 74-89; 85-74; 92-89 Coleen Dufresne
97-98 4 Regina (11-4) Manitoba d’d Regina 81-72; 64-57; 72-64 Coleen Dufresne
98-99 4 Regina (12-3) Regina d’d Manitoba 87-85; 71-60 Corrine Stapleton
99-00 4 Regina (15-5) Regina d’d Winnipeg 62-50; 65-51 Corrine Stapleton
00-01 4 Regina (20-2) Regina d’d Manitoba 88-60; 61-60 Corrine Stapleton