W. RD 1 (Man): Winnipeg St. Andrew’s Andies d’d King’s Best Blue Bombers x-x; x-x; 80-82; x-x (3g-1) E. RD 1 (ONT): Toronto West End Y d’d Toronto Andy’s Athletics 63-62; x-x (Total: x-x). E. QF (Ont): Tilsonburg Livingstons d’d Toronto West End Y 91-73; 80-79 (2g-0) E. QF (OttV): Ottawa Shaffers d’d Ottawa Fellers 59-53; 81-57; 70-55 (3g-0) W. QF (BC): Vancouver Dietrich-Collins d’d U.B.C. 76-64; 63-87; 98-84 (2g-1) W. QF (BC): Alberni d’d Vancouver Cloverleafs 71-53; 94-61 (2g-0) W. SEMI (Sask): Regina RBAs d’d Saskatoon Regals 84-64; 110-88 (2g-0) W. SEMI (Alta): Lethbridge Broders d’d Edmonton Bear Grads 53-49; 62-77; 90-67; 84-63 (3g-1) W. SEMI (BC): Port Alberni Athletics d’d Vancouver Dietrich-Collins 91-73; 81-84; 106-86; 75-55; 83-68 (4g-1) W. SEMI (Man): U. of Manitoba Bisons d’d Winnipeg St. Andrews Dunlops 54-72; 61-56; 64-60 (2g-1) E. FINAL (Ont/OttV): Tilsonburg Livingstons d’d Ottawa Shaffers 116-70; 95-73; 125-88 (3g-0) E. FINAL (Que/Maritimes): Montreal Yvon Coutu Huskies d’d W. FINAL (BC/ALT): Port Alberni Athletics d’d Lethbridge Chinooks 77-65; 60-79; 65-66; 67-64; 80-75 (3g-2) W. FINAL (Sask/Man): U of Manitoba Bisons d’d Regina All-Stars 65-66; 81-56; 69-60; 66-56 (3g-1) CANADIAN TITLE and OLYMPIC TRIALS (double knockout tourney): RD 1: Montreal Huskies 70 U. of Manitoba Bisons 62 Tilsonburg Livingstons 60 Port Alberni Athletics 53 RD 2: Tilsonburg Livingstons 74 Montreal Huskies 53 Port Alberni Athletics 83 U. of Manitoba 54 (eliminated) RD 3: Port Alberni Athletics 76 Montreal Huskies 70 (eliminated) Final game 1: Port Alberni 77 Tilsonburg Livingstons 72 Final game 2: Tilsonburg Livingstons 64 Port Alberni Athletics 59 |
In the East quarterfinals and Ontario finals, the Tilsonburg Livingstons defeated Toronto West End Y 91-73; 80-79 (2g-0). …………………………………………………… In game two, Tillsonburg Livingstons edged the Toronto West End YMCA 80-79 in overtime. The game was delayed nearly two hours as Tillsonburg arrived late as a result of a traffic accident near Ingersoll in a heavy storm which injured driver and player Dave Creery. Ed Boguski’s hook shots paced Toronto. He scored 14 in the first half as West End took a 40-33 lead. Toronto forced overtime at 72-72. But buckets by Fred Ingaldson and Ray Monnot proved the difference. Ambrose Gardner paced the Livingstons with 20. Ray Monnot added 14, Reynolds 9, McCrae 8, McGibbon 7 and Czaja 5, while B Gardner and Ager were scoreless. Ed Boguski led Toronto with 23. Gary Vipond added 14, Joe Stulac 13, George Stulac 11, Goldridge 7, Fawcett 6, Mayernick 5, while Wozniak, Matt Lipka and Bender were scoreless.
In the East quarterfinals, the Ottawa Shaffers defeated the Ottawa Fellers 59-53; 81-57; 70-55 (3g-0). …………………………………………………… In game one, the Shaffers prevailed 59-53 as Pettinger scored 17, Justinich 11, Grizzle 9, Rollo 7, Jackson 6, Sharpe 6 and Laschuk 3, while Cameron and Said were scoreless. House led the Fellers with 17. Cawsey added 11, Guest 10, McGuire 4, Kier 4, Gibbs 2, Kerr 2 and McCambley 2, while Bachelor was scoreless. …………………………………………………… In game two, the Shaffers stomped the Fellers 81-57 as Ed Laschuk scored 19, Glen Pettinger 15, John Justinich 15, Ron Rollo 12, Ted Grizzle 12, Don Cameron 4 and Norm Said 4. Moe Ross led the Fellers with 16. Grant Cawsey added 11, George House 9, Brian Gibbs 8, Dalt McCambley 7, Don Guest 7, Kerr 6, Sandy Kier 6, Kevin McGuire 2 and Ted Batchelor 1. …………………………………………………… In game three, the Shaffers completed the series sweep with a 70-60 win as Russ Jackson scored 17, Glen Pettinger 16, Ed Laschuk 13, John Justinich 10, Ron Rolle 8 and Ted Grizzle 6. George House led the Fellers with 14. Kevin McGuire added 12, Sandy Kier 9, Hutchings 8, Don Guest 8, Grant Cawsey 7 and Brian Gibbs 2, while Kerr, Dalt McCambley and Ted Batchelor were scoreless. The Fellers (coached by Dave Stothart) also included Tinsley.
In the Saskatchewan finals, the Regina RBAs defeated the Saskatoon Regals 84-64; 110-88 (2g-0). …………………………………………………… In game one, Regina clocked Saskatoon 84-64 as Dick Stark scored 15, Brian Nicurity 11, Lorne Hamilton 10, Joe Moroz 9, Don Holzer 9, Loy Lyseck 8, Morley Brown 8, Morris Anderson 6 and Henry Murzyn 2. Johnny Spottiswood led the Regals with 20. Gary Ball added 20, A Anderson 7, Don Walsh 6, Beaubier 6, Bruce Fotheringham 3 and Carruthers 2, while Stayner and Leakos were scoreless. …………………………………………………… In game two, the Regina RBAs completed the series sweep with a 110-88 win as Morris Anderson scored 23, Dick Stark 22, Bryan Nicurity 16, Lorne Hamilton 15, Ottenbreit 8, Morley Brown 6, Don Holzer 6, Joe Moroz 5 and Henry Murzyn 2, while Lou Lysack, Bill Janzen, Gil Collins, Gene Cuica, Gord Kerr and Don Boers were scoreless. Gary Ball led the Regals with 16. A Anderson added 12, Carruthers 11, Needham 9, Bruce Fotheringham 8, Don Walsh 8 and Beaubier 2, while Leakos was scoreless.
In the Manitoba semis, Winnipeg St. Andrews d’d the King’s Best ‘Labatt’s’ Blue Bombers x-x; x-x; 80-82; x-x (3g-1). …………………………………………………… In game three, the Blue Bombers prevailed 82-80 as Bud Grant scored 18, Frank Gilliam 14, Frank Rigney 14, Kenny Ploen 13 and Johny Michels 10. Frank Kiraly paced St. Andrews with 16. Barry Jones added 15, George Oelkers 12 and Don Kubesh 10. …………………………………………………… The Blue Bombers (coached by Glen McWhinney) included Norm Rauhaus, Nick Miller, Ken Ploen, Bud Grant, Ernie Pitts, George Druxman, Frank Gilliam, Frank Rigney and John Michaels.
In the Manitoba finals, the U. of Manitoba Bisons dispatched the Winnipeg St. Andrews Dunlops 54-72; 61-56; 64-60 (2g-1). …………………………………………………… In game one, St. Andrews prevailed 72-54 as George Oelkers scored 12, Dave Johnston 11, Dennis Wooley 10 and Barry Jones 10. Mike Henderson led the Bisons with 9. …………………………………………………… In game two, Manitoba evened the series with a 61-56 win as Don Harvey scored 14, Bill DeVries 14, Mike Henderson 12 and Ed Melnyk 12. Denis Wooley led the Dunlops with 12. …………………………………………………… In game three, the U of Manitoba took the series with a 64-60 win as Don Harvey scored 18, Bill Devries 9 and Bill Novak 9. Dave Johnston and Denis Woolley each scored 13 to lead the Dunlops. St. Andrews (coached by Jim Bulloch) also included Frank Kiraly, Don McCush, Gene Walker, Don Harvey, Don Kubesh, Bob Seepish, Roy Burkett, Barry Jones, Ken Benson and John Wright.
In the Alberta finals, the Lethbridge Chinooks defeated the Edmonton Bear Grads 53-49; 62-77; 90-67; 84-63 (3g-1). …………………………………………………… In game one, the Chinooks (coached by Bobby Hamilton) prevailed 53-49 as A West scored 14, Lilja 11, West 7, Haag 6, Forest 5, Karren 4, Blacker 4 and Innis 2, while Stevenson, Terry and Maclain were scoreless. Lucht led the Bear Grads with 20. Fester added 12, Munro 8 and Kruger 2, while Lucas, Carre, Van Vliet, Thomson, Beleshko and Stuart were scoreless. The Bear Grads led 15-13 after one quarter. The Chinooks led 26-25 at the half. The Bear Grads led 38-37 after three quarters. …………………………………………………… In game two, the Bear Grads prevailed 77-62 after leading 14-7, 34-20 and 53-33 at the quarters. Ed Lucht paced the Bear Grads with 27. Don Munro added 15, Art Kruger 13, Maury Van Vliet 10, Jack Hicken 8, Fester 3 and Stuart 1, while Lucas, Carr, Thompson and Beleshko were scoreless. Jack Lilja led the Chinooks with 26. Al West added 9, Harry Blacker 8, Glen Ennis 8, Haag 5, Stevenson 2, McClain 2 and Doug Terry 2, while Barry Forrest was scoreless. The Grads hit 20-61 (.328) from the floor and 37-48 from the line, while the Chinooks hit 21-83 (.253) from the floor and 20-24 (.833) from the line. …………………………………………………… In game three, the Chinooks prevailed 90-67 as Glenn Ennis scored 17, Doug Terry 15, A West 14, Lilja 12, Karren 9, Haag 8, L West 4, Blacker 4, Tollestrup 3, MacLain 2, Forest 1 and Stevenson 1. Gordon Fester led the Bear Cubs with 21. Maury Van Vliet added 14, Don Munro 13, Dave Thomson 9, Jack Hicken 6 and Kruger 4, while Lucas and Carre were scoreless. …………………………………………………… In game four, the Chinooks prevailed 84-63. Al West led the Chinooks with 17. Larry West added 9, Tom Karren 9, Jack Lilja 8, Haag 6, Barry Forrest 4, Al Tollestrup 3, Doug Terry 2, McClain 2 and Harry Blacker 2, while I Stevenson was scoreless. Ed Lucht led the Grads with 22. Fester added 15, Arthur Kruger 10, Carr 7, Don Munro 4, Jack Hicken 3 and Maury Van Vliet 3, while Lucas was scoreless. The Chinooks led 44-31 at the half. Bears coach Steve Mendryk took issue with the officiating, telling the Lethbridge Herald there was no justification for the discrepancy in fouls or his technicals.
In the West opening round and B.C. semis, Alberni defeated the Vancouver Cloverleafs 71-53; 94-61 (2g-0). …………………………………………………… In game one, Alberni spanked the Cloverleafs 71-53 as Kootnekoff scored 16, Brinham 13, Dirom 12, Jerome 7, Williamson 6, Grisdale 5, Radies 4, Brown 4, Panton 2 and Gailloux 2. Herb Olafsson led the Cloverleafs with 18. Gimple added 9, John Clark 8, Chuck Dean 7, Jerry Lorenz 4, Ed Terris 4, Jennings 2 and Holyoak 1, while Heathcote, Lecisin and Braithwaite were scoreless. …………………………………………………… In game two, Alberni took the series by dusting the Cloverleafs 94-61 as Kootnekoff scored 18, Williamson 18, Ron Bissett 15, Brinham 11, Grisdale 10, Neil Dirom 8, Brown 8, Panton 4 and Radies 2, while Gailloux was scoreless. Barnes led the Cloverleafs with 10. Terris added 9, Dean 8, Holyoak 8, Gimple 8, Lorenz 6, Olafsson 4, Clarke 4, Jennings 2 and Heathcote 2, while Lecisin and Braithwaite were scoreless.
In the BC semis, Vancouver Dietrich-Collins defeated the University of British Columbia Thunderbirds 76-64; 63-87; 98-84 (2g-1). …………………………………………………… In game one, Dietrich-Collins clipped U.B.C. 76-64 as Bob Pickell scored 38, Nyhaug 9, Brian Upson 8, Mike Fraser 7, Malecki 6, Mulhern 6 and Wild 4, while Carter, Ramsay and Lasko were scoreless. Ed Peterson led the Thunderbirds with 15. Barry Drummond added 12, Hartley 10, Wayne Osborne 8, Ken Winslade 6, Norris Martin 4, Way 4, Dumaresq 4 and Gushue 1, while Berardino and Lusk were scoreless, and Keith Hartley and Mike Potkonjak did not play. …………………………………………………… In game two, U.B.C. prevailed 87-63 as Wayne Osborne scored 22 and nabbed 21 boards, Ed Pederson 22, Ken Winslade 14, Barry Drummond 11, along with 18 boards, Potkonjak 8, Hartley 8 and Gushue 2, while Lusk, Way, Berardino, Martin and Dumaresq were scoreless. Bob Pickell led Dietrich-Collins with 25. Fraser added 17, Malecki 8, Wild 6, Lasko 3, Ramsay 2 and Carter 2, while Upson, Nyhaug and Mulhern were scoreless. …………………………………………………… In game three, Dietrich-Collins took the series with a 98-84 win as Bob Pickell scored 29, Malecki 18, Birtles 15, Fraser 15, Wild 15, Mulhern 4 and Upson 2, while Ramsay, Nyhaug, Lasko and Carter were scoreless. Mike Potkonjak led the Thunderbirds with 20. Winslade added 18, Osborne 15, Peterson 12, Drummond 10, Gushue 5, Martin 2 and Dumaresq 2, while Hartley, Way, Berardino and Lusk were scoreless.
In the BC finals, the Alberni Athletics defeated the Vancouver Dietrich-Collins 91-73; 81-84; 106-86; 75-55; 83-68 (4g-1). …………………………………………………… In game one, Alberni prevailed 91-73 as Ron Bissett scored 17, Neil Dirom 16, Brinham 14, Dave Williamson 14, Brown 10, Kootnekoff 4, Gailloux 4, Panton 4 and Grisdale 1, while Radies was scoreless. Bob Pickell led Dietrich-Collins with 36. Wild added 10, Birtles 9, Fraser 8, Malecki 4, Mulhern 4 and Carter 2, while Ramsay and Nyhaug were scoreless. …………………………………………………… In game two, Dietrich Collins edged Alberni 84-81 in overtime. Bob Pickell scored 25 to lead Dietrich-Collins. Seattle University graduate Al Birtles added 16, Brian Upson 14, Ed Wild 14, Mike Fraser 11, Ed Malecki 2 and Leo Mulhern 2, while Bob Ramsay, Jim Carter and Ernie Nyhaug were scoreless. Vancouver (coached by Bobby Burtwell) also included Bob Lasko. Ed Wild forced overtime with a free throw with 24 seconds to play, knotting the score at 70. Kootnekoff led Alberni with 18. Brinham added 13, Williamson 8, Brown 8, Grisdale 6, Bissett 5, Dirom 5, Panton 4 and Gailloux 4, while Radies were scoreless. …………………………………………………… In game three, Vancouver clocked Alberni 106-86 as Bob Pickell scored 37, Al Birtles 32, along with 17 boards, Ed Malecki 13, Ed Wild 10, Upson 4, Lesko 4, Mulhern 2, Fraser 2 and Ramsay 2, while Ernie Nyhaug was scoreless. Kootnekoff led the Athletics with 13. Brinham added 12, Diron 12, Brown 11, Bisset 9, Williamson 9, Panton 9, Grisdale 6, Gailloux 4 and Radies 1. …………………………………………………… In game four, Alberni prevailed 75-55 win as Brinham scored 17, Bissett 17, Kootnekoff 13, Dirom 12, Brown 12, Panton 2 and Williamson 2, while Grisdale, Radies and Gailloux were scoreless. Bob Pickell led Vancouver with 23. Al Birtles added 7, Malecki 6, Upson 6, Fraser 5, Ed Wild 4 and Ramsay 4, while Mulhern, Nyhaug, Carter and Lasko were scoreless. …………………………………………………… In game five, Alberni took the series with an 83-68 win as Neil Dirom scored 20, Ron Bissett 19, along with 25 boards, Al Brown 14, John Kootnekoff 10, Doug Brinham 8, Dave Williamson 8, Denny Grisdale 2 and Gary Panton 2, while Ray Gailloux, Ken Winslade and Radies were scoreless. Bob Pickell led Dietrich-Collins with 22. Upson added 13, Fraser 13, Al Birtles 12, Ed Wild 6 and Mulhern 2, while Ramsay, Carter, Malecki, Nyhaug and Lasko were scoreless.
In the West (BC/Alberta) final, the Port Alberni Athletics defeated the Lethbridge Chinooks 77-65; 60-79; 65-66; 67-64; 80-75 (3g-2). …………………………………………………… In game one, Alberni prevailed 77-65 as Ken Winslade scored 23, Doug Brinham 19, Ron Bissett 12, John Kootnekoff 10, Neil Dirom 9, Dave Williamson 3 and Fraser 3, while Al Brown, Garry Panton, Al Birtles, Gailloux, Grisdale and Al Tollestrup (injured) were scoreless. Larry West paced the Chinooks with 16. Jack Lilja added 11, Tom Karren 11, Al West 9, Glen Ennis 7, Haag 5, Gord Fester 4 and Doug Terry 2, while Barry Forrest, Stevenson, Harry Blacker and McClain were scoreless. …………………………………………………… In game two, the Chinooks prevailed 79-60 as Tom Karren scored 20, Larry West 16, Al West 11, Glen Ennis 10, Jack Lilja 7, Harry Blacker 4, Barry Forrest 4, Stevenson 3, Doug Terry 2 and Gord Fester 2, while Haag and McClain were scoreless. Ron Bissett paced the Athletics with 10. Neil Dirom added 9, Doug Brinham 8, Al Birtles 8, John Kootnekoff 6, Mike Fraser 6, Ken Winslade 5, Garry Panton 4, Al Brown 2 and Dave Williamson 2, while Gailloux and Grisdale were scoreless. …………………………………………………… In game three, the Chinooks prevailed 66-65, despite trailing 33-30 at the half. Glen Ennis and Jack Lilja each scored 19 to pace the Chinooks. Al West added 16, Tom Karren 10 and Gord Fester 2, while McClain, Doug Terry, Harry Blacker, Larry West, Stevenson, Haag and Barry Forrest were scoreless. Doug Brinham paced the Athletics with 15. Al Birtles added 14, Ken Winslade 11, John Kootnekoff 9, Ron Bissett 9, Dave Williamson 4 and Neil Dirom 3, while Garry Panton, Grisdale, Gailloux, Al Brown and Frasci were scoreless. …………………………………………………… In game four, the Athletics prevailed 67-74 as Neil Dirom scored 11, Brown 11, Doug Brinham 8, Dave Williamson 7, Garry Panton 7, John Kootnekoff 6, Ken Winslade 5, Ron Bissett 4, Al Birtles 4 and Fraser 4, while Grisdale and Gailloux were scoreless. Tom Karren paced the Chinooks with 18. Jack Lilja added 15, Al West 13, Glen Ennis 6, Harry Blacker 4, Gord Fester 3 and Larry West 1, while Doug Terry, Haag, Stevenson and McClain were scoreless. “We lost it by missing four layups and throwing away the ball at least 10 times in the second half,” Chinooks coach Bob Hamilton told the Lethbridge Herald. …………………………………………………… In the deciding contest, Alberni prevailed 80-75 as Ron Bissett scored 24, Doug Brinham 18, John Kootnekoff 17, Neil Dirom 8, Ken Winslade 7, Al Brown 2, Al Birtles 2 and Mike Fraser 2, while Grisdale, Dave Williamson, Garry Panton and Gaillous were scoreless. Jack Lilja paced the Chinooks with 28. Al West added 12, Tom Karren 10, Gord Fester 8, Larry West 7, Harry Blacker 6 and Glen Ennis 4, while Doug Terry, Haag, Barry Forrest, Stevenson and McClain were scoreless. Athletics playing coach Elmer Speidel told the Lethbridge Herald “we had the better bench and that made the difference.”
In the West (Manitoba/Saskatchewan) final, the University of Manitoba Bisons defeated the Regina Basketball All-Stars 65-66; 81-56; 69-60; 66-56 (3g-1). …………………………………………………… In game one, the Regina RBAs prevailed 66-65 as Dick Stark scored 19, Morris Anderson 17, Bill Janzen 14, Don Holzer 4, Morley Brown 2, Joe Moroz 2, Bryan Nicurity 2, Lorne Hamilton 2, Lou Lysack 2 and Henry Murzyn 2. Ed Melnyk led the Bisons with 15. Grant Alfonso added 13, Bill Devries 10, Dave Smith 10, Mike Henderson 7, Denis Woolley 5, Bill Novak 3 and Glen Torgeson 2, while John Embry and Dave Novak were scoreless. …………………………………………………… In game two, the Bisons evened the series by pounding Regina 81-56 as Dave Novak scored 15, Glen Torgeson 11, Laurie Predinchuk 11, Grant Alfonso 10, Ed Melnyk 9, Mike Henderson 8, Dave Smith 8, Denis Woolley 7 and John Embry 2, while Don Harvey, Bill Devries and Bill Novak were scoreless. Morris Anderson paced Regina with 22. Bill Janzen added 9, Dick Stark 8, Don Holzer 7, Lou Lysack 4, Morley Brown 2, Joe Moroz 2 and Bryan Nicurity 2, while Gene Ciuca and Gil Collins were scoreless. …………………………………………………… In game three, the U of Manitoba Bisons clipped the Regina All-Stars 69-60 as Ed Melnyk scored 20, Glen Torgeson 12, Denis Wooley 12, Dave Novak 10, Laurie Predinchuk 8, Dave Smith 4 and Bill Novak 2, while Henderson was scoreless. Don Holzer led Regina with 11. Morris Anderson added 10, Bill Janzen 10, Bryan Nicurity 8, Lou Lysack 7, Dick Stark 7, Lorne Hamilton 4 and Morley Brown 3, while Gene Ciuca and Henry Murzyn were scoreless. …………………………………………………… In game four, the University of Manitoba Bisons took the series with a 66-56 win as Ed Melnyk scored 12, Denis Woolley 12, Laurie Predinchuk 9, Dave Novak 9, Glen Torgeson 6, Grant Alfonso 6, Mike Henderson 4, Dave Smith 4, Bill Devries 2 and Bill Novak 2, while John Embry, Al Keenan, Wayne Johnston and Graham Zelmer (injury) were scoreless. Morris Anderson scored 17 to lead the RBAs (coached by Sam Stewart and managed by Bill Harding). Don Holzer added 11, Bill Janzen 9, Dick Start 9, Lou Lysack 6, Joe Moroz 2 and Bryan Nicurity 2, while Lorne Hamilton, Henry Murzyn and Gene Cuica were scoreless. The RBAs also included Gil Collins, Gord Kerr and Don Boers.
In the Ontario/Ottawa playoffs and East semis, the Tillsonburg Livingstons defeated the Ottawa Shaffers 116-70; 95-73; 125-88 (3g-0). …………………………………………………… In game one, the Livingstons prevailed 116-70 as John McKibbon scored 32 and grabbed 19 boards. Warren Reynolds added 22, Ray Monnot 17, Fred Ingaldson 16, Ambrose Gardner 10, Bob Gardner 10, Don McCrae 5, Gary Vipond 2 and Barry Ager 2, while George Stulac was scoreless. The Livingstons led 52-35 at the half and hit 54-97 from the floor. Ron Rollo paced the Shaffers with 19. Playing coach Glen Pettinger added 16, Ed Laschuk 14, John Justinich 11, George House 7 and Ted Grizzle 3, while Norm Said, Grant Cawsey and Don Cameron were scoreless. …………………………………………………… In game two, Tillsonburg defeated the Shaffers 95-73 after leading 50-23 at the half. Warren Reynolds scored 21, Ray Monnot 15, Ambi Gardner 14, John McKibbon 12, Fred Ingaldson 11, Don McCrae 8, Bob Gardner 4, George Stulac 4, Dave Creery 3, Czaja 2 and Gary Vipond 2, while Barry Ager was scoreless. Ron Rollo led the Shaffers with 20. Ed Laschuk added 14, Glen Pettinger 13, John Justinich 13, Ted Grizzle 5, George House 4 and Grant Cawsey 4, while Norm Said and Don Cameron were scoreless. …………………………………………………… In game three, Tillsonburg defeated the Shaffers 125-88 as Warren Reynolds scored 40, Fred Ingaldson 31, Ray Monnot 12, and Bob Gardner 11. Grant Cawsey led the Shaffers with 22. Glen Pettinger added 20. The Shaffers (coached by Pettinger, assisted by Don Peters and managed by Sam Shapiro) also included Russ Jackson, Ron Rollo, Ed Laschuk, Don Cameron, John Justinich, Mike Sharpe, Ted Grizzle and Norm Said.
In the opening round of the nationals, which also served as Olympic Trials, the Tilsonburg Livingstons defeated the Port Alberni Athletics 60-53 as McKibbon scored 19, Monnot 15, Ingaldson 14, Reynolds 7, Stulac 4, R Gardner 2 and A Gardner 2, while McRae, Ager, Czaja, Lawson and Vipond were scoreless. Ron Bissett led the Athletics with 13. John Kootnekoff added 12, Doug Brinham 11, Neil Dirom 9, Al Birtles 3, Al Brown 2, Ken Winslade 2 and Dave Williamson 1, while Ray Gailloux, Gary Panton, Denis Grisdale and Mike Fraser were scoreless.
The Montreal Yvon Coutu Huskies, who’d earned a berth in the draw as hosts, and who conducted a tryout camp to select the team, dumped the University of Manitoba Bisons 70-62 as Bob Ford scored 18, Al Hirsch 17, Frank Schieder 9, Mel Mikalachki 8, Ralph Whims 8, Phil Fleurquin 6 and Larry Lyons 4, while John McDonaugh, Dick MacKay, Ruby Goodman, J.C. Vandeboncouer and John Girvin were scoreless. The Huskies were coached by Vincent Drake and managed by Andre Couth. Dave Novak scored 14 to pace the Bisons (coached by Bud Fraser). Ed Melnyk added 10, Mike Henderson 10, Alfonso 7, John Embry 6, Smith 6, Woolley 4, Glen Torgerson 3 and Harvey 2, while Bill Devries was scoreless. The Bisons also included Cliff Leach, Graham Zelmer, Laurie Predinchuk, Len Sedun and Harry Fitzpatrick.
In round two, the Tilsonburg Livingstons dumped the Montreal Huskies 74-53 by controlling the boards. John McKibbon scored 25, Warren Reynolds 12, Fred Ingaldson 11. Don McCrae 3, Czaja 0, Bob Gardner 3, Ray Monnot 10, Gary Vipond, Ambi Gardner 2, George Stulac 6, Bill Lawson 1 and Barry Ager 2. Phil Fleurquin and Al Hirsch each scored 10 to pace Montreal. John McDonaugh 2, Mel Mikalachki 6, Frank Scheider 5, Ruby Goodman 0, Jean-Claude Vandeboncouer 0, Bob Ford 9, Larry Lyons 5, Ralph Whims 2, John Girvin 3.
The Port Alberni Athletics crushed the U of Manitoba 83-54 as Ken Winslade scored 7, Dave Williamson 2, Brown 10, Gallioux 3, John Kootnekoff 8, Denny Grisdale 23, Doug Brinham 10, Neil Dirom 1, Ron Bissett 16, Al Birtles 6, Gary Panton 4 and Mike Fraser 2. Glen Torgerson scored 4 for Manitoba, John Embry 4, Ed Melnyk 13, Bill Devries 1, Grant Alfonso 3, Dave Novak 4, Dave Smith 12, Dennis Woolley 2, Mike Henderson 5 and Don Harvey 6. The Bisons were coached by Bud Fraser and managed by Cliff Arnott.
The Port Alberni Athletics defeated the Montreal Yvon Coutu Huskies 76-70 to knock them out of the competition. Trailing 37-31 at the half, Alberni ripped off six unanswered points and hit 21-24 free throws down the stretch to pull out the win. Doug Brinham paced Alberni with 19 points including 9-9 from the line down the stretch. Ron Bissett added 11, as did John Kootnekoff. Winslade added 7, Dave Williamson 0, Brown 7, Gallioux 6, Grisdale 2, Neil Dirom 3, Al Birtles 9, Panton 3 and Fraser 0. Al Hirsch scored 14 to lead the Huskies. Phil Fleurquin added 14 and Mel Mikalachki 13, John McDonaugh 2, Frank Schieder 5, Ruby Goodman 0, Jean-Claude Vandeboncouer 0, Bob Ford 7, Larry Lyons 0, Ralph Whims 9 and John Gervin 7. The Huskies (coached by Vince Drake and Al Uhrich) also included Dick MacKay.
The final featured undefeated Tilsonburg versus once-defeated Port Alberni, led Doug Brinham, Ron Bissett and John Kootnekoff.
In game one, the Athletics scored the game’s last eight points to snatch a 77-72 victory. The Livingstons led 43-36 at the half and stretched the lead to 11 four minutes into the second half. But Alberni whittled away at the lead until they cut to 70-69 with two minutes to go. Doug Brinham hit a lay-up and 6-6 Al Birtles, a student at Seattle U, hit two free throws, and John Kootnekoff, a hook shot. With 45 seconds to go, Warren Reynolds finally responded for the Livingstons but 6-6 Neil Dirom of Alberni tapped in a rebound to ensure the Athletics victory. Al Birtles finished 22, John Kootnekoff 13, Dave Williamson 13 and Doug Brinham 12. For Tilsonburg, 6-7 John ‘Stretch’ McKibbon scored 20 for Tilsonburg, while Ray Monnot 13, Fred Ingaldson 13 and Warren Reynolds 10.
In the final game, Tillsonburg defeated Alberni 64-59. The winner was to provide 10 members of the Olympic team, Tilsonburg took a 34-29 lead at the half. The game was tied at 55 with two and half minutes in the second half. Tilsonburg pulled ahead on two field goals by Warren Reynolds, one by Ray Monnot and three free throws by playmaker Fred Ingaldson. The Livingstons shot 24-67 from the floor and 19-30 from the line. The Athletics shot 16-24 from floor and 21-32 from line. Tilsonburg led by Fred Ingaldson’s 28 points. Don McCrae added 12, Warren Reynolds 5, John McKibbon 4, Bob Gardner 6, Ray Monnot 7, Gary Vipond, Ambi Gardner, George Stulac 1, Bill Lawson and Barry Ager 1. John Kootnekoff scored 19 to pace Alberni. Al Birtles added 13, Winslade 5, Dave Williamson 4, Brown 2, Gaillioux, Grisdale, Doug Brinham 8, Neil Dirom 3, Ron Bissett 5, Panton 0, and Fraser 0.
McKibbon, a 20-year-old from Sudbury, who later became a minister, was selected the tourney’s MVP, scoring 77 points in all tourney contests. The Livingstons, built through the late 1950s and sponsored by Gerry Livingston, owner of a woodworking and exporting firm, which sponsored them from 1950-53 and then again from 1957-62. The Livingstons picked up George Stulac and Gary Vipond from the Toronto West End Y and Bill Lawson from Western.
The runner-up Port Alberni Athletics: Ken Winslade; Dave Williamson; Al Brown; Ray Gallioux; John Kootnekoff; Denis Grisdale; Doug Brinham; Neil Dirom; Ron Bissett; Al Birtles; Gary Panton; Mike Fraser; coach Elmer Spiedel; manager Fred Bishop
The champion Tilsonburg Livingstons: Fred Ingaldson; Warren Reynolds; Don McCrae; John McKibbon; Ambrose Gardner; Bob Gardner; Ray Monnot; George Stulac; Bill Lawson; Barry Ager; Gary Vipond; Czaja; Dave Creery; coach Elmer Ripley; manager Alf Shrubb; trainer Ken Ross