Quad-A schools are city of Winnipeg schools with more than 500 students, along with Lord Selkirk, Crocus Plains, Vincent Massey (Brandon) Steinbach Regional, Springfield, Stonewall, Garden Valley (Winkler), Northlands Parkway (Winkler) and Portage Collegiate Institute.


By the decades:

30-31 Winnipeg Kelvin      
31-32 Winnipeg Kelvin Al Silverthorne   Winnipeg Daniel McIntyre
34-35 Winnipeg Kelvin C.L. Kerr 8-4 Winnipeg Gordon Bell
36-37 Winnipeg Gordon Bell   11-3 Winnipeg Kelvin
41-42 Winnipeg St. John’s Tech I Cumming    
43-44 Winnipeg Kelvin Georgina Samuel    
44-45 Winnipeg Kelvin Georgina Samuel (3-1) Daniel McIntyre (2-0-1)
45-46 Winnipeg Daniel McIntyre   16-15 St. John’s Tech
46-47 Winnipeg Sisler Harold Mauthe    
47-48 Winnipeg Sisler Harold Mauthe    
48-49 Flin Flon Hapnot Hec McCaig 18-11 Winnipeg Sisler
49-50 Flin Flon Hapnot Hec McCaig 17-15 Winnipeg Kelvin
50-51 Flin Flon Hapnot B Rheume/J Rheume T:38-31 Winnipeg Sisler
51-52 Flin Flon Hapnot B Rheume/J Rheume 34-19 Winnipeg Glenlawn
52-53 Flin Flon Hapnot Bud Rheume 27-18 Winnipeg Glenlawn
53-54 Flin Flon Hapnot Eugene Kitchen 41-34 Winnipeg Kelvin
54-55 Flin Flon Hapnot Jim Rheume 43-37 Winnipeg Glenlawn
55-56 Winnipeg Tec Voc Audrey Jones 44-41 Flin Flon Hapnot
56-57 Winnipeg Glenlawn Ernie Gaudreau 35-32 Flin Flon Hapnot
57-58 Flin Flon Hapnot Eugene Kitchen 32-31 Winnipeg Tec Voc
58-59 Winnipeg Glenlawn Ernie Gaudreau 20-12 Portage La Prairie
59-60 Flin Flon Hapnot Walter Dowd 28-27 Winnipeg Gordon Bell
60-61 Hamiota Frank McKinnon 26-15 Winnipeg Vincent Massey
61-62 Winnipeg Glenlawn Ernie Gaudreau 45-29 Hamiota
62-63 Brandon Vincent Massey Carl Anderson 36-15 Hamiota
63-64 Hamiota Rev. Ralph Clark 40-21 Winnipeg Glenlawn
64-65 Winnipeg Glenlawn Wayne Ruff 49-35 Carman
65-66 Winnipeg Glenlawn Wayne Ruff 36-21 Miami
66-67 Winnipeg Silver Heights John Coutts 36-26 Winnipeg Dakota
67-68 Winnipeg Silver Heights John Coutts 42-17 Winnipeg Dakota
68-69 Winnipeg Dakota Jerry Ilchyna 44-34 Winnipeg Grant Park
69-70 Winnipeg Dakota Jerry Ilchyna 29-24 Winnipeg Springfield
70-71 Winnipeg John Taylor Paul Granovsky 44-25 St. Norbert
71-72 Winnipeg Vincent Massey Dave McNabb 43-29 St. Norbert
72-73 Winnipeg Vincent Massey Dave McNabb 31-28 Brandon Vincent Massey
73-74 Winnipeg Westwood Addy Ryngach 49-38 Winnipeg Dakota
74-75 Brandon Vincent Massey Stew Farnell 44-36 Winnipeg Vincent Massey
75-76 Winnipeg Dakota Dennis Alvestad 47-22 Winnipeg River East
76-77 Winnipeg Dakota Dennis Alvestad 28-23 Winnipeg River East
77-78 Winnipeg River East Dick Blais 33-32 Winnipeg Gordon Bell
78-79 Winnipeg Dakota Dennis Alvestad 60-55 Winnipeg Kelvin
79-80 Winnipeg Daniel McIntyre Barb Hall 53-41 Brandon Vincent Massey
80-81 Winnipeg Vincent Massey Dave McNabb 67-52 Winnipeg Westwood
81-82 Winnipeg River East Dick Blais 57-55 Winnipeg Vincent Massey
82-83 Winnipeg Vincent Massey Dave McNabb 61-56 Winnipeg Dakota
83-84 Winnipeg Dakota Dennis Alvestad 50-47 Winnipeg Vincent Massey
84-85 Brandon Vincent Massey Stew Farnell 56-53 Selkirk Lord Selkirk
85-86 Brandon Vincent Massey Stew Farnell 60-42 Winnipeg Dakota
86-87 Winnipeg Vincent Massey Dave McNabb 49-35 Brandon Vincent Massey
87-88 Winnipeg Vincent Massey Dave McNabb 63-45 Winnipeg Glenlawn
88-89 Winnipeg Glenlawn Bryan Kornberger 60-38 Winnipeg Daniel McIntyre
89-90 Winnipeg Dakota Peter Falk 63-53 Brandon Vincent Massey
90-91 Winnipeg Dakota Peter Falk 36-33 Winnipeg Kelvin
91-92 Winnipeg Glenlawn Bryan Kornberger 59-40 Winnipeg Dakota
92-93 Winnipeg Kelvin Donna Crowe 59-48 Winnipeg John Taylor
93-94 Winnipeg John Taylor Carol Simpson 57-37 Brandon Vincent Massey
94-95 Winnipeg St. John’s Darryl Stevenson 49-46 Brandon Vincent Massey
95-96 Winnipeg Glenlawn Bryan Kornberger 72-68 Winnipeg River East
96-97 Winnipeg River East Jaenas Pangilinan 46-45 Winnipeg Dakota
97-98 Winnipeg Oak Park Murray Brown 50-39 Winnipeg Glenlawn
98-99 Winnipeg Oak Park Murray Brown 55-47 Winnipeg St. Mary’s
99-00 Winnipeg Glenlawn Bryan Kornberger 62-58 Winnipeg Vincent Massey
00-01 Winnipeg Glenlawn Bryan Kornberger 55-37 Winnipeg Sisler
01-02 Winnipeg Glenlawn Bryan Kornberger 62-32 Winnipeg Vincent Massey
02-03 Winnipeg Vincent Massey Tara Kelly/ John Fagan 56-54 Winnipeg Daniel McIntyre
03-04 Winnipeg Oak Park Murray Brown/ Blake Surman/ Liessa Engel 59-58 Winnipeg Vincent Massey
04-05 Winnipeg John Taylor Susie Laping/ Jana Taylor 69-64 Winnipeg Fort Richmond
05-06 Winnipeg Glenlawn Bryan Kornberger 69-61 Winnipeg Fort Richmond
06-07 Winnipeg Fort Richmond Alison Laferty/ Cathy Lethbridge 60-50 Winnipeg Glenlawn
07-08 Brandon Crocus Plains Dave Malowski 91-80 Winnipeg Sisler
08-09 Winnipeg Vincent Massey Stacey Hawash 67-65 Brandon Crocus Plains
09-10 Winnipeg Vincent Massey Stacey Hawash 63-62 Winnipeg Oak Park
10-11 Winnipeg River East Kristen Asmundsen 64-39 Winnipeg Oak Park
11-12 Winnipeg Glenlawn Bryan Kornberger 54-42 Winnipeg Oak Park
12-13 Winnipeg Oak Park Murray Brown 71-65 Winnipeg Glenlawn
13-14 Winnipeg Vincent Massey Stacey Hawash 70-53 Winnipeg Sisler
14-15 Winnipeg Sisler Michael Tan 83-51 Winnipeg Oak Park
15-16 Winnipeg Sisler Michael Tan 94-68 Winnipeg Vincent Massey
16-17 Winnipeg Oak Park Murray Brown 81-67 Winnipeg Vincent Massey
17-18 Winnipeg Oak Park Murray Brown 70-44 Winnipeg Vincent Massey
18-19 Winnipeg Oak Park Murray Brown 83-52 Winnipeg Sturgeon Heights
19-20  CANCELLED   (covid-19 pandemic)  ——   ———————————  
20-21  CANCELLED  (covid-19 pandemic)  ——  ——————————— 
21-22  Winnipeg Dakota Eric Sung  87-48  Winnipeg Westwood 
22-23   Winnipeg Dakota  Eric Sung  67-43  Winnipeg Garden City 
23-24Winnipeg Dakota Eric Sung 84-34Winnipeg Garden City