In White Division round-robin play, held in St. Lawrence and Laurentian Place: …………………………………………………… Doyles Belanger Memorial Blazers, LaScie Cape John Collegiate Cobras, Wings Point Riverwood Academy Bulldogs, Plum Point St. Augustine’s and Lamaline St. Joseph’s Academy Jaguars. …………………………………………………… Final standings:

        In Blue Division round-robin play: ……………………………………………………  St. Mary’s Dunne Memorial Academy Vikings, Little Heart’s Ease Southwest Arm Academy Tigers, Goose Bay Goose High, St. Lawrence Central Blues and Whitbourne High. …………………………………………………… Final standings:

        In the quarterfinals, the Doyles Belanger Memorial Blazers defeated the LaScie Cape John Collegiate Cobras.

        The St. Lawrence Central Academy Blues defeated Whitbourne.

The Goose Bay Goose High x defeated the Little Heart’s East Southwest Arm Academy Tigers.

The Wings Point Riverwood Academy Bulldogs v. the Lamaline St. Joseph’s Academy Jaguars.

In the semis, the Doyles Belanger Memorial Blazers defeated x.

The St. Lawrence Central Blues defeated the Goose Bay Goose High x.

In the final, the Doyles Belanger Memorial Blazers defeated the St. Lawrence Central Blues.

The silver medalist St. Lawrence Central Blues:

The gold medalist Doyles Belanger Memorial Blazers: Cory Ryan, Cory Sheppard, Gregory Downey, Paul Ryan, Randy Keeping, John Parsons, Donald Brownrigg, Daniel Gillis, Kirk Kendall, Robert Ryan, Scott Burchell; coach Frank Berkshire; coach Jerome Wall